(2017) Lyra Felise

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Lyra Felise is the 97th Helundtu. Born in the forest village Landyr, she became the Helundtu-in-Waiting aged 19, having studied as a healer and preceptive mage for 15 years previously, in a village ceremony where a benvolent local magical spirit judged her skilled enough to be a Helundtu. Aged twenty, she left Landyr to begin duties as the Helundtu, along with the rest of the Five Great Mages. A powerful healer-mage, Lyra is reasonably well-versed in other preceptive magic, and is also an expert forest survivalist.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Before walking out of her village and join the other 5 mages on their journeys, Lyra was the most powerful healer and most people come to her for help with their wounds and illnesses. During one of her visits, she came across a guy of her age while tending to a wound. They soon became friends and she fell in love with him. However, he couldn't return those feelings as she never said about them herself. Sometimes, they went on mini adventures around their village, finding different herbs and new ones, although thigns changed and they had more frequent arguments risking their friendship. and at one point, it ended it and from then on she didn't talk to him. That's when she came across two mages while foraging for herbs. (Robert's character) and (Ben's Character) told her everything about the passing of the last five mages and what was to come next. during their conversation, the other two joined them and tried to explain everything all over again which she thought was quite funny.

Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]

Lyra has ginger hair and green eyes, she is quite thin, with an hour glass shape. She wears a baggy sleeved white long sleeved shirt, with leather wrist bands and leather waist band/coreset kind of thing along with dark green leggings and black boots

Personality and traits[edit | edit source]

Lyra is a idealistic, immature and altruistic individual, with a black-and-white social morality that makes her a childish but valuable asset to a team. She has an unspoken ability to inspire others to achieve and to do good in the world; she values authenticity, concern and altruism, but only to the point of not damaging herself or deviating from her goals, which are determined based on her morality and sense of duty and are rarely changed or amended. Characterised by her altruism and staunch black-and-white morality, Lyra greatly values her image as selfless and introverted, although in actuality she is far more motivated by her own desire to maintain her image as selfless and to satisfy her own moral convictions. Sometimes, she will greatly idealise another individual (romantically or otherwise) and will make impressing or living up to them an important source of motivation. Lyra is kind, hard-working and polite, but also has a fiery passion and morality that sometimes manifests itself as an aggressive temper and general irritability.

Friendly relationships[edit | edit source]

Romantic relationships[edit | edit source]

Attitude to work as the Hermadiúir[edit | edit source]

Conflict and temper[edit | edit source]

Morality[edit | edit source]

Intelligence and mental abilities[edit | edit source]

Abilities and skills[edit | edit source]

Lyra has the ability to speed up the healing process of small to major wounds, by infusing herbal remedies with her magic. The magic is what helps to speed up the process by 1-2 hours or possibly days, depending on the strength of the potion made and the depending on the wound itself.

Possessions[edit | edit source]

Her weapons consist of a spear with three jagged prongs on each end for close range attacks and a long bow for ranged attacked with a leather quill and arrows. She carries a dagger for defense in case something goes wrong and she can't use her bow or her spear. She also carries two healing potions which are infused with her magic to speed up the process.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

She had the hots for a guy in her village for a while who became her best friend, however she couldn't manage to tell him and ended up having fights and she separated from him and didn't talk to him from then on. That's when (robs character) and (Bens character) Came into her village to find her about the Six Great Mages, while walking around with them and explaining things, another two mages approach them, trying to explain the same things.