(2017) Bynmidelle

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The Bynmidelle are Great Mages whose charge is protecting the Kingdom and its inhabitants from magical, political and military threats; strengthening the Kingdom and protecting its political structure by using binding magic to interconnect objects (and sometimes people); and keeping the people of the kingdom safe. Bynmidelle are associated with the West, and traditionally hail from the mountains of ROBERT'SSTATE. The Bynmidelle use powerful binding magic, usually preceptive but occasionally unbounded, and are magically bound to their own magical equipment, meaning that if their magical implements are damaged, they die (likewise, however, if their magical instruments are safe, they gain additional protection, and can interact with the magical field in the same way as their instruments). CHOOSE ONE SENTENCE: The arrival of a new Bynmidelle or Bynmidelle-in-Waiting is signalled by xyz. OR The Bynmidelle is selected by xyz.

The current Bynmidelle is ROBERT'SNAME.